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The general rules are:
A. Provide at least 12 students. (We will help you recruit students from nearby facilities!)
B. Pick the course you wish to host or talk to one of our Professional Engineers for customized courses.
C. If you are hosting a course, we give the hosting facility free credit for one student if the class size reaches 13.
D. Contact Patricia ( 903-695-0288 to check on instructor availability and special training requests.

Yes, we provide a simple attendance document at the course and mail a more formal certificate.

Sorry, we cannot guarantee that all courses will reach the minimum of 12 students. We will cancel no later than the Wednesday before, and notify all students.

You MUST call, if you register less than 3 business (M-F) days before a course begins. TETC must make sure that the instructor has enough books & materials for last minute students. Class Space may also be a problem.

All of this is broken down by city on the Maps & Locations page.

We do take credit cards over the phone, but we shred all information immediately. Nothing is stored or kept on file.

No, you do not have to have a PayPal account to pay by credit card.

You may as long as you make arrangements with us in advance. Some firms actually prohibit payment until after the course has been delivered.

Click here to visit TCEQ’s Search for Licensing or Registration Information Page.

No. You can give your MSW license number to receive credit if you have already registered with the TCEQ.

Both License A and B require 16 hrs

 No, but the licensee must pay TCEQ $111.00, so do not let your license expire!

 Click here to view Requirements
NOTE REGARDING REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: We have been notified by TCEQ as follows: “Since some of our requirements to take the test are policy, not rule, they are subject to change at any time. To ensure the most current information is given to applicants, we ask that you direct them to Occupational Licensing so we can address their questions. Since we are currently working remotely, the best way to contact us is through email at”

Where can I download the latest MSW 328 or 330 rules? Visit

 TCEQ requires the $111.00 for the initial testing and/or a $111.00 for the renewal of the license. This is not included in the cost of the course. Checks or money orders are made out to the TCEQ.

MSW license can take up to four hours and it is open book. TCEQ tests must be taken at an approved testing center. Click here to see a list of TCEQ testing centers.


“Good examples given in the classroom and the simulator was fun.” -Driver with 14 years of experience (September 2018)


“Good examples given in the classroom and the simulator was fun.”
-Driver with 14 years of experience (September 2018)
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